Reducing tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke can save lives and save money for New Yorkers. Each year, 22,000 New York residents die from smoking-related diseases, and for every person who dies from smoking, at least 30 people live with serious smoking related illness. In addition to the human costs, every year smoking costs New York State $9.71 billion in health care, of which $2.71 billion is paid for by Medicaid. To learn more about the Real Cost of Tobacco in New York State, click here.

Our March 2021 Tobacco-Free Update highlights the Real Cost of Tobacco as well as the latest happenings in the Capital Region.  Read our newsletter here to learn about the Albany County Legislature’s pending vote to prohibit smoking in common areas of multiunit dwellings and about how our Capital District Reality Check members are working to educate our communities. 

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