
Schenectady County invites public input on proposed T-21 law

Schenectady County invites public input on proposed T-21 law

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 5, 2016 @ 7:00pm and share your views on a Schenectady County law to raise the minimum age for the legal sale of tobacco products to 21. The introduction of this local law follows closely on the heels of Albany County's adoption of a similar provision earlier this month and offers the possibility of having two contiguous counties reducing youth access to tobacco products.Schenectady County Legislature has announced plans to hold a public hearing in the Legislative Offices, 620 State Street, 6th Floor on Proposed Local Law A-16.   If you are a resident of Schenectady County or work in an...

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Village of Altamont makes parks tobacco-free!

Village of Altamont makes parks tobacco-free!

The Village of Altamont Board unanimously adopted a resolution making village parks tobacco and ENDS-free after hearing testimony from two 9-year old residents about the benefits. Erin Burby and Kyle Efaw, 3rd graders at Altamont Elementary School, were joined by seven of their classmates at the June 7 meeting. The two students read speeches they had written as part of a classroom project assigned by their teacher, Annemarie Farrell. Efaw highlighted the importance of protecting people from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. He said, "It is important for a park to be about staying healthy. . .If people are smoking in a park around...

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