
Albany Common Council Bans Smoking in Bus Shelters

Albany Common Council Bans Smoking in Bus Shelters

On Monday, July 7, 2014, the Albany Common Council voted unanimously to prohibit smoking inside city bus shelters. This new local law provides an additional boost to the long-standing policy of the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) prohibiting smoking in shelters. Up until now, CDTA could do little else to enforce their policy other than revoke a rider's ability to ride the bus. But the new local law makes smoking in shelters enforceable by city police and punishable by a $50 fine. Thank you, Common Council members, for supporting public transportation and public health! Read the Times Union story.

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CDTFC Gets Grant Award to Reduce Youth Smoking

CDTFC Gets Grant Award to Reduce Youth Smoking

Today is the first day of a new 5-year grant from the NYS Department of Health which will support the continuation of our tobacco-free work in the Capital District. As we look back on the past five years, we have a lot to celebrate, including: The creation of more than 500 smoke-free housing units, most of which are affordable and public housing units. The creation of tobacco-free outdoor recreation areas in twenty municipalities. More than fifty employers making their grounds tobacco-free, including nearly all area colleges. Successful education campaigns about the harmful impact of tobacco marketing on young people. A significant decrease...

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