
May is National Mental Health Month

Although the smoking rate among New York State adults has fallen to an all-time low of 16.2% over the past decade, the smoking rate among people with mental illness has remained relatively unchanged at 32.5%. People living with mental illness smoke more, suffer more, and die more than do people without mental illness. In fact, half of all deaths among people with behavioral health disorders may be attributable to smoking-related illnesses. These deaths are preventable. That's why the Center for Smoking Cessation and the Capital District Tobacco-Free Coalition, in collaboration with the Capital District Commissioners of Mental Health and the...

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Nisky S.A.P.E. Celebrates World No Tobacco Day

Nisky S.A.P.E. Celebrates World No Tobacco Day

Niskayuna S.A.P.E (Students Advocating for a Positive Environment) brought attention to Big Tobacco's deceptive marketing practices by celebrating World No Tobacco Day. In collaboration with Capital Region Reality Check, students got busy "Chalking the Walk" with tobacco-free messaging. Students wrote facts about tobacco and tobacco marketing on the sidewalk outside of their new cafeteria during lunch time to educate students and staff. Students also gave away information and RC swag prizes. Awesome event! If you missed it, you can read all about it in the Times Union.    

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