Reality Check Senior Spotlight

Senbahavalli “Raji” Ramasamy, a senior at Guilderland High School, joined Reality Check in July 2020 and has been a mover and shaker in the tobacco control world ever since. From minute one, she has demonstrated outstanding communication and...

2021 Reality Check Senior Spotlight

This month, two of our Reality Check members, Praaghya and Rishita, are graduating from high school, and CDTFC would like to take a moment to thank them for all their hard work these past three years. Praaghya Meyyan, a senior at Columbia High School (pictured on...

Take Down Tobacco Day 2021

Today is Take Down Tobacco Day! For most of us, April Fool’s Day comes once a year but for the tobacco industry every day is April Fool’s Day. That’s because every day tobacco companies work overtime to fool young people into trying their deadly products. The future...

Seen Enough Tobacco Day 2020

Today is #SeenEnoughTobaccoDay, which highlights the need for communities to protect children from the billions of dollars of tobacco marketing in places where kids can see it. The 13th was selected to underscore the alarming fact that the average age of a new smoker...