Take Down Tobacco Day 2023
Today is Take Down Tobacco Day! This annual day of action sponsored by Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, empowers people to stand up and speak out against the tobacco industry. Our Reality Check program teamed up with the SADD club members at...
Flavored tobacco products shouldn’t be sweet, cheap and easy to get
It's a consensus. Every smoker, former smoker and nonsmoker who stopped by our table at the Empire State Plaza concourse agreed that they didn't want young people to ever start smoking. Nearly everyone also agreed that flavored tobacco products should not...
Community Spotlight Testimonial: Rivquah Caldwell
Hear from one of our community partners, Rivquah Caldwell, about the harmful impact menthol-flavored tobacco products has had on her and her community. Stay tuned to hear more from Rivquah later this spring. To learn more about the impact of menthol-flavored tobacco...
CDTFC Attends NYS Tobacco Control Program Partners Legislative Education Day at State Capitol
It was a successful day at the State Capitol on Tuesday, as CDTFC attended this year's NYS Tobacco Control Program Partners Legislative Education Day. CDTFC staff along with Capital District Reality Check youth and our partners from Community Health Programs talked...
Tobacco products shouldn’t be sweet, cheap and easy to get
Menthol, along with other sweet, fruity and candy flavors in tobacco products make tobacco products taste better and feel less harsh on the throat, making them more appealing and easier for young people to use. Flavors also create the impression that...